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Tinkerbell Drawing – A Step By Step Guide

How to draw Tinkerbell

One of the most loved characters from Disney ever is Tinkerbell, commonly referred to by the stage name Tinkerbell. She is a feisty and clever fairy who earned fame as Peter Pan’s partner and for her possession of fairy powder. Since Tinkerbell had her movie debut in the 1953 cartoon movie Peter Pan, she has become an adored drawing subject for children as well as adults. She is now an essential component of the Disney Company due to her growing following over time.

Among the most successful methods to convey your love for Easy Tinkerbell drawing. This guide on how to draw Tinkerbell will focus on the technique of drawing Tinkerbell and offer tips on how to create an amazing and accurate drawing of this renowned figure. Keep in mind that Tinkerbell is a small creature when you sketch. To make sure that the dimensions are true, go to previous images of Tinkerbell.


You will need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Crayons

If you color your Tinkerbell drawing, you can begin the drawing process once you have your materials.

How to Draw Tinkerbell Step By Step

Tinkerbell Drawing Step By Step

If you are new to drawing or having trouble getting Tinkerbell’s drawing to look just right, many resources are available to help you. You can find step-by-step tutorials online or invest in a drawing book on Disney characters. Practice is key in Easy Tinkerbell drawing, so be encouraged if your first attempts turn out differently than you’d like. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be able to draw Tinkerbell easily.

Step 1: Start with the head

Tinkerbell Drawing Step1

Draw a small rectangle for Tinkerbell’s face to begin with. Then, draw a downward-extending line from the center of the circle to form her upper body. Add two small circles for her ears on either side of her head.

Step 2: Draw the body

Tinkerbell Drawing Step2

Next, create Tinkerbell’s body by drawing a tiny square below the head. To build Tinkerbell’s thighs in her Easy Tinkerbell draw, draw curves on either side of the rectangle. Extend two lines down from the hips to create her legs. Tinkerbell’s hair is a defining feature of her look. Draw two curved lines on either flank of her head to create her pigtails. Add a series of curved lines within each pigtail to create the texture of her hair.

Step 3: Add the wings and arms

Tinkerbell Drawing Step3

It’s time to draw Tinkerbell’s wings that are amongst her most readily recognizable features. To create them, draw a small rectangle above her torso. Draw a line with a curve that starts at the top corner and continues at the bottom corner of the rectangle on both sides. I’ll draw the wing’ basic shape. I will create the outline of the wings.

In Tinkerbell drawing next, draw a series of smaller curved lines within the wings to add detail. Tinkerbell’s arms are small and delicate but still visible. Draw two curved lines extending from her shoulders to create her arms. Add small circles at the end of each line to create her hands.

Step 4: Add the facial features

Tinkerbell Drawing Step4

What makes Tinkerbell bring to life are her face expressions. Two enormous circles are created for Tinkerbell’s eyes, and tiny ovals are placed within to symbolize the pupils. Draw a small, curved line for her smile and add two small circles above the smile to create her cheeks. Draw some curved lines for her nose.

Step 5: Add the details

Tinkerbell Drawing

Finally, add the details that will make your Tinkerbell drawing unique. You can add small dots on her wings to create a sparkly effect or draw patterns on her dress to add texture. The best of she stand out, you can add additional information to her hairstyle or facial features.


The experience up, drawing Tinkerbell is an enjoyable and satisfying technique of expressing your love for this well-known Disney the image. With a little work and some helpful guidance, anyone—professional or novice—can create an amazing and realistic Tinkerbell drawing. So gather everything you need and start drawing your Tinkerbell right now!

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