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Manatee Drawing || Step by Step Tutorial

Manatee Drawing

Manatee, often known as sea cows, are large aquatic animals that are well-known for their attractive appearance and serene nature. They have powerful flippers, round tail and thick body. Manatee can be found swimming in warm coastal seas, moving gracefully between sea grass beds and mangrove trees. They are a fascinating subject for artists because of their calm disposition and soft motions.

Manatee drawing are produced in a range of artistic styles and media, each with its own individual qualities. First of all it is necessary to get knowledge about the fundamental Characteristics like their habitat and appearance.  The habitat of manatee is shallow coastal water waves and rivers and they are slow moving herbivores due to the large size. Their bodies appear sleek because of their paddle-shaped tail and forelimbs that resemble flippers. Their small expressive eyes and split upper lip give them a cute and endearing appearance.

Manatee Drawing For Kids

Drawing manatee demands a careful balancing act between artistic interpretation and capturing realism. Stippling and shadowing are two techniques used by artists to draw attention to the texture of the manatee’s skin and provide depth. You can achieve an eye-catching representation of the manatee’s habitat by adding watercolor or colored pencil to intensify the colors of the aquatic environment.

In addition to their ecological value, manatee are significant cultural figures in many societies. Coastal villages, indigenous art, and local folklore all feature artistic representations of manatee, highlighting the relationship between human culture and the natural environment. Drawings of manatee help to preserve these cultural connections by encouraging pride and a sense of duty towards these animals’ welfare.


  • Drawing paper or sketchbook
  • Pencil (preferably an HB or 2B for initial sketches)
  • Eraser
  • Fine-tip markers or pens (optional for inking)

Step-by-Step Manatee Drawing For Kids:

Manatee Drawing step by step

Step 1:

Sketch a smaller oval to represent the head of the manatee. Erase the right side of the circle. Draw two small circles below the head circle for the cheeks. The manatee has a unique shape of head.

Manatee Drawing

Step 2:

The huge, spherical body of a manatee is complemented with a distinctive paddle-shaped tail. Start with a straightforward oval for the body and a rectangle that is slightly bent for the tail. These shapes will serve as your foundation for the manatee drawing.

Manatee Drawing

Step 3:

Define that the flippers have large, paddle-like flippers that help them navigate the water. Make sure the flippers are proportionate to the body when you sketch their outline. Their look is triangular, with slightly curved sides and rounded tips. Place the flippers at a slight angle, indicating how they float in the water. Draw some lines for mustaches and lips. You can give help from the reference image of the manatee drawing easy.

Manatee Drawing

Step 4:

Sketch the eyes, which are small and round, and the nostrils positioned near the snout. Please pay attention to the subtle details like wrinkles and folds on the manatee’s face, as they give it a realistic touch. Add a small dot within each eye to indicate the pupils just below the eyes. Also, draw some lines for the eyebrow in manatee drawing.

Manatee Drawing for kids

Step 5:

You can use fine-tip markers or pens to ink your drawing if you’d rather it looks more professional. Add aggressiveness and clarity by carefully tracing over the last few lines of your pencil drawing. For a neat, completed manatee drawing, let the ink dry completely before erasing any leftover pencil lines. Add a black color to the eyes and grey color to the lips.

Manatee Drawing easy

Step 6:

Draw several lines on the body to represent the folds and wrinkles of their skin. Include a few curled lines close to the mouth to represent the manatee’s characteristic whiskers. Manatee usually have bluish-gray or grayish-brown coloring. For your manatee artwork, use watercolors, markers, or colored pencils to enhance shading and depth. To mimic the manatee’s skin’s soft, smooth appearance, blend the colors together seamlessly.

easy Manatee Drawing


By following these detailed directions on how to draw a manatee, you have successfully produced a lovely drawing of one. You will be able to depict the beauty and charm of these wonderful creatures in your artwork with time and effort. You may make beautiful drawings of manatee that accurately depict their breathtaking beauty with practice and commitment. Enjoy the process, and happy manatee drawing!

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