How to Draw a Phone
Learn how to draw a phone. It’s an interesting & easy way you will learn to draw a phone. Kids, the first phone, was invented by Italian innovator Antonio Mucci in 1849. Later French man Charles Bourseul coined the term phone in 1854. But in 1876, the license or copyright of a phone was with Graham bell.
In 1877 first phone line was set up! The first switchboard was also developed & first telephone exchange came into being. After 3 years, 49000 phones were in use. In 1885 first Phone Company, the American telegraph & Telephone Company was formed.
The first word was ahoy on a phone call. Thomas Edison was the man who put “hello” in common usage on the phone. The phone was one of the world’s most important inventions in the communication field. Kids, you will learn phone drawing easy in his informative topic.
A surprising way for powerful phone drawing:
In this informative & interesting topic, you will learn a lot about how to draw a phone. A lot of innovation has been done in custom phones; they have been changed into smartphones. IBM invented the first smartphone in 1992. In 1994 first smartphone was launched to the market for sale. It was called Simmons’s communicator. SPC was equipped with a touch screen & was able to receive the fax & email.
In 2001 the phone met the internet. The smartphone is connected to 3G. The idea of developing a smartphone was too able to use the internet! And have a portable electronic device. You will learn to draw a phone. Nowadays, the smartphone is a personal portal pocket device! That can use more than for texting & calling.
An immensely used device in the world! Write down new history in sales & statistics every year with immense growth in the telecommunication industry. This growth is sustained till yet & growing day by day.
7 exciting tips on how to draw a phone:
Artist is always curious about their drawings. Phone drawing is easy. An artist always wants a masterpiece. That will help you; you must follow the instructions below for drawing a phone.
- Be neat & clean.
- Do not erase it again & again.
- Relax, don’t hurry up.
- Remain Cool & composed.
- Adopt stepwise approach
- Use different shading methods like line Stroking, smooth shading & finger blending techniques.
- Be innovative for phone drawing easy.
Kit for drawing a phone:
You have a checklist of fundamental things available at home to know how to draw a phone. No need to go to market. Pick all these simple, available things at home things: for Drawing Anubis, you need,
- Lead pencils,
- Drawing sheets,
- Eraser,
- Sharpener,
- Colors (pencil color, marker colors, glitter color, watercolors, oil paint, crayon color),
- Black drawing marker.
Time Required
Phone drawing is easy; it will only take 20 minutes with full attention.
5 simple steps on how to draw a phone:
The smartphone is the most widely used. Smartphones are also called pocket PC, smartphones, or cellular phones. Phone drawing is easy. They have a touch screen. Interestingly, more than 96% of people in the USA have cell phones. 49% of the global population have cell phones. On average, a person touches his phone 2600 times a day.
Approximately 7.8 billion people in the world have cell phones. 1.57 billion Smartphones are sold every year. There are almost 300 million increases in cell phones per annum. There are almost 1 billion users of the iPhone globally. 72% of users of the smartphone have android IOS. Kids, in the tutorial, you will learn how to draw a phone.
Step 1:
In the first step, you need to draw a rectangle. We should draw the upside of a phone containing a touch screen! Erase the corners of a rectangle to make the corner round in shape, like an actual cell phone.
Step 2:
In step 2, we will learn phone drawing. In this step, add some depth to the rectangle by drawing a side-by-side the dotted line with rounded corners. It will give a three-dimensional shape to your phone. Your phone will look like an actual shape. Now draw the front side camera with a small circle, a narrow rectangle with rounded edges, and the earphone to listen to the voice a side volume control button to control the volume. The main button is called the home screen button at the end. I hope kids learn how to draw a phone in an effortless & easy way.
Step 3:
In step 3, draw an inside rectangular to make the screen clear. As we draw the inside rectangular box, your cellular phone’s main touch screen appears. You learn phone drawings easy.
Step 4:
Your phone is ready to answer or use; It would help if you drew a circle with a phone cradle with two c shape lines downwards to reject the phone; draw another circle to the opposite corner with two c shape lines upwards. Notice the phone is in a different position to receive a call. Now draw a caller ID. Draw a straight line parallel to the screen. Now extend curved lines to draw the shoulders of a caller leading to the figure’s neck, face & head. Now your phone drawings are ready.
Step 5:
In this step, you need your color kit. Color the cell phone body black or blue, or you like the most, then use green & red colors for accepting or rejecting the call. Also, use black for the rest of the screen or the color of your choice. Start your imagination & thought process! To make a remarkable collection on how to draw a phone for yourself. The kid must use pencils: So you can remove your mistakes! Drawing a phone will increase your cognitive, visual & motor skills.
Learning from cute how to draw a phone:
In this stepwise approach, kids, you must have learned phone drawing easy. It was designed to have fun & education for you. You can make your drawing more attractive & awesome. I hope kids learn a lot of interesting information about the phone journey! From invention to evolution to the smartphone. It was the most interesting & important invention of the 1900 century! Which made the world a global village & connect people from across the world to each other.
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