How Draw Peacock For Kids
Today, we learn the sketch of how to draw peacocks. You learn how to draw peacocks using these fun, easy drawing tutorials for kids. In our world, Peacocks are the most beautiful birds. Peacocks are similar in size to turkey. Peacocks are also famous for the shrill call. Peacock has a bright color and long flowing tails in the back. If you have to draw your elegant peacock? It is effortless with these step-by-step easy drawing tutorials. This tutorial is related to drawing for kids. So, it would help if you had a piece of paper and a pencil. Then color the finished drawing you made. Peacocks show unique colors, ranging from green, blue, brown, and yellow to white and solid grey color. Suppose you like the drawing tutorial of a peacock. You may also learn the following tutorials as well: 1, 2, and 3.
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Step 1:
Draw two curved lines in the beginning to make an edgy shape of the beak. These lines make the shape of the forehead of the peacock. Then, we draw an S shape line to make the throat of the peacock drawing for kids.
Step 2:
In second, we draw curved lines to make the eye of the peacock. Then, we draw lines around the eye. Then, draw the crest of the blossom feathers on the head of the peacock. After that, we draw many bars in the head. Then, we have to draw branch lines of each line.
Step 3:
In third, draw a series of curly lines to make the feathers of the peacock. Then, we draw another V shape line in the inner of every feather.
Step 4:
In four, we are going to work on making the train and the ocelli of the peacock. So, we draw many straight lines in the peacock drawing for kids. After this, we make an oval shape to make the ocelli of the peacock.
Step 5:
In the fifth step, we add the black color in pencil with the marker for a brighter look. So, we put lines on the pencil lines with the marker. Learn more about easy drawing for kids.
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Step 6:
In six, now we are adding different colors in our how-to draw peacock drawings. So, we put a blue color in the body and yellow color in the beak. Then, orange color in the eye and dark green color around the eye.
Step 7:
In seven, we are adding green color to the upper feathers of the peacock. Now, we have done this step to put colors on coloring pages.
Step 8:
In eight, add yellow color in the middle feathers of the peacock. Then, make lines with orange color in the inner of the feathers.
Step 9:
In nine, now we are adding colors in the ocelli of the peacock drawing. So, we put orange, light blue, and dark blue colors in the ocelli.
Step 10:
In the last step, we put yellow color in the train of the ocelli of the peacock feathers. Now, the sketch of how to draw peacock is ready and looks beautiful. Are you looking for how to draw peacocks? We teach you how peacock tutorials step by step in an easy way with cool drawing ideas. Every effort is easy for understanding by the kids. So make it as simple as you like, don’t make it difficult. I hope your lines to drawing tutorial of peacock drawing.