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Haunted House Drawing || Step by Step Tutorial

How to Draw Haunted House

A haunted house drawing can transport you to a strange and fascinating area where your creativity can run wild. The mysterious appeal of haunted houses has attracted a sizable number of artists and art enthusiasts throughout history and all around the world and served as a key source of imagination for artistic expression. Anyone looking for a new creative experience or a thrilling challenge, like drawing haunted houses, can find drawing them to be an exciting and satisfying struggle.

The haunted home is the main focus of your drawing, thus it’s crucial to focus on its architecture and design. Start by drawing the general layout of the house, selecting the dimensions and form that best suit your needs. Gothic or Victorian architectural features, such as pointed roofs, turrets, and elaborate decorations, are frequently seen in haunted buildings. Give your haunted house a distinct personality by experimenting with various features and letting your imagination run wild.

Easy Haunted House Drawing

Think about the ambiance you want to portray in your haunted house drawing before you start. Haunted houses are often connected with darkness, gloominess, and a sense of fear. Consider the mood you wish to portray, the time of day, and the setting when creating your artwork. Are you going for a gorgeous night with swirling mist and twisted trees, or a stormy scene with lightning bolts lighting up the menacing facade?  You may create a strong feeling of mood in your drawing from the very beginning by arranging the scene.

A fun and exciting creative project that allows you to recreate the ghostly atmosphere of Halloween is drawing a haunted house. Regardless of your level of skill, this extensive guide will help you bring a spooky house to life on paper. Prepare to let your eerie imagination go wild and produce a terrifying artwork that will make you shudder.

Materials Needed:

To begin your haunted house drawing, gather the following materials:

  • Paper: Choose a sturdy paper suitable for drawing, such as sketch paper or a drawing pad.
  • Pencil: A drawing or mechanical pencil set will work well.
  • Eraser: A kneaded or regular eraser will help correct mistakes.
  • Fine-tipped black pen: This will be handy for inking your final drawing.
  • Colored pencils or markers (optional): If you wish to add color to your artwork, have some colored pencils or markers ready.

Step By Step Haunted House Drawing:

Haunted House Drawing step by step

Step 1:

Sketch the Basic Structure Start by lightly sketching the basic structure of the haunted house. Begin with a rectangular shape for the main building. Create a Spooky Roof to give the roof a haunted look, draw a series of jagged lines along the edges. This will add a sense of decay and disrepair. Draw a line from the bottom of the paper, take it upward, and then curve the line for the roof. Now draw irregular shapes at the top of the roof, which is given below in how to draw a haunted house. Remember, haunted houses often have unique and irregular shapes, so feel free to experiment and create a design that suits your imagination.

Haunted House Drawing

Step 2:

Include Information and Features It’s time to add features and characteristics to your haunted house. Sketch in the windows and any other architectural aspects you can imagine. Sketch two ghosts: a ghost on the left and a ghost on the right side of the house. Consider adding a crooked chimney to enhance the spooky atmosphere. Remember to add some eerie touches with cobwebs, overgrown vines, or a broken-down fence.  This Easy drawing of a scary house also has additional components.

Haunted House Drawing

Step 3:

Draw a door and a window near the door. Sketch a triangle for the door. Draw a cube for the window. Make this window larger than others. Draw different shapes of the circle at the window door for a creepy look. Next, draw a Halloween pumpkin inside the window. This pumpkin looks scary. All these elements are given in this How to draw a haunted house.

Haunted House Drawing

Step 4:

In this easy haunted house drawing step, we can draw two bats and a fence around the house. Draw some vertical lines around the house for the fence. After drawing these lines, draw a straight line and attach it to these vertical lines. Your fence is ready. Now draw two bats that are flying around the house.

Haunted House Drawing easy

Step 5:

It’s time to add color to this how-to-draw haunted house. You can choose a color of your choice, but it’s a haunted house drawing. We will use black for the house, bat, and fence to give them a scary look.

Haunted House Drawing

Step 6:

After giving the color of the house, it’s time to add the color of the ghost in this haunted house drawing. In films and dramas, the ghost has no specific color, so we use light blue. There is no restriction on color.

Haunted House Drawing for kids

Step 7:

After coloring the house and ghosts, it’s time to color the windows in this how-to-draw haunted house. For a creepy and scary look, we use yellow color. We use a black and yellow combination for the house. If you have another color in your mind, you can use it.

easy Haunted House Drawing


Drawing haunted houses is a fascinating art style that enables artists to tell spooky stories through their works. Artists bring haunted houses to life on paper by utilizing a variety of techniques and symbols, allowing viewers to get fully submerged in the creepy and mysterious realms they conjure. These drawings, which pique our curiosity with the mysteries hidden in the shadows of haunted houses, act as windows into the spectral realms that dwell on the edge of our comprehension, adding to our ongoing fascination with the attraction of the paranormal.

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