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Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing – Step By Step Tutorial

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing

Girl pencil sketch drawings are one of my favorite things because, in easy girl drawing, I can be more expressive and detailed. I have a collection of easy girl drawings. So, you can get your favorite one and start drawing it. Sketching is essential as it enhances creativity and strengthens focus and strategic thinking.

If a kid starts sketching and drawing, he will improve his creative skills and start thinking differently. They can solve problems on their own. The skills you will learn from the drawing will help you in the afterlife. Sketching is a strong process because it helps develop new ideas and thoughts. So let’s learn more about girl pencil sketch drawing.

Material required:

If you want to learn to sketch, this tutorial is for you. You have all the stuff needed to draw a cute girl drawing for kids. So don’t worry, and no need to flash to the marketplace and purchase new stuff; go to your room, collect all the material compulsory for pencil sketch drawing, and start the process. 

  • lead pencils (HB, 2B, 6B, and 9B pencils)  
  • Drawing pages (the surface of the paper should be appropriate for a beginner) 
  • White eraser (a big rectangular eraser that will make it easy to erase the borders)  
  • Sharpener (a sharp steel sharpener)  
  • Black drawing marker (this is required for the final outline of easy girl drawing for all)  
  • Colors (you can select any colors such as pencil colors, marker colors, glitter colors, crayons, or watercolors) 


Here, I will share some expert sketching and drawing techniques with you so that you can learn how to draw a perfect pencil sketch. These steps will benefit you if you need to learn more about sketching. 

  • Draw the easy things at the beginning and the difficult ones at the end. 
  • Select the drawing that matches your level of drawing  
  • Break the sketch into basic shapes  
  • Practice over and over again to make a perfect sketch. 
  • Be gentle while drawing.  
  • Use different shading techniques such as cross-hatching, blending, stippling, etc. 
  • Use a permanent drawing medium like a black drawing pen at the end. 
  • Try to be neat while drawing.

Time required:

Don’t worry about being quick. Drawing is a skill, and anybody can learn it, so if you keep practicing, again and again, you will learn how to draw a perfect pencil sketch. For me, this girl’s pencil sketch took 35 minutes, but it is just based on how detailed or straightforward the drawing is.

Drawing is not tricky for pros, but it is always difficult for a beginner to learn the basics or have a good teacher. You can learn to draw at any age. There are several cool drawing ideas here. You need a lot of time, interest, and patience. But practice is the first condition if you want to learn girl pencil drawing.

Step-by-step Tutorial:

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing step by step

If you learn from the girl’s pencil drawing step-by-step tutorial, you can tell how things are done. It will focus on improving the drawing and determining how successful the outcome will be. Kids will easily express themselves by drawing. So I have a step-by-step illustration that will be very useful for kids and adults to draw a pencil sketch drawing.

Step 1:

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing step1

In the first step, draw the face of a cute girl. Draw eyes, nose, and eyebrows from the side pose. Use a pencil in the beginning, and try to be gentle.

Step 2:

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing step2

Draw the hair of the girl. This cute girl has short hair and sleek hair. I have drawn various straight lines to make her look fantastic. You can also draw long hair, but I like short hair more.

Step 3:

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing step3

This girl is wearing a scarf around her neck because it is very cold outside. This scarf will keep her warm and maintain her body temperature. I have drawn a circle and two leaves around it. These circles are oranges because oranges are the seasonal fruits of the winter season.

Step 4:

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing step4

Now in the fourth step, draw the body of this cute girl. I have drawn the side pose because it is easy to draw. The side pose is easy to draw for beginners and does not require much time.

Step 5:

Girl Pencil Sketch Drawing step5

Here, it is time to color the easy girl drawing. I have only used orange, green, grey, and black colors. I have colored her hair with black crayons so they have a natural texture as of hair. You can make this easy girl drawing colorful and vibrant by using your favorite bright colors like red, yellow, blue, and pink. Finally, do not forget to outline the whole girl drawing with a black drawing pen.

Final Words:

This Girl Pencil Sketch is simple for people of all ages. This drawing exercise is the best exercise for mental growth. It is an educational tutorial for kids and adults. You can draw different types of drawing with the help of this Girl Pencil Sketch.

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