Draw A Face
In this video, we are trying to learn creative face drawing ideas. This video is very helpful for the learners and cool drawing ideas. This video is a part of a pencil sketch drawing, tutorial of pencil drawing, and creative drawing ideas. In this tutorial, we have to learn creative drawing ideas with a pencil. Draw a face for people loving towards the art and to know how to draw a most anticipate tutorial of sketching. This tutorial is helpful to watch the tutorial for skills. We will learn the beginners in the easy way in which they will get skills.
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Step 1:
In the first step, we have to learn creative drawing ideas. First of all, we need a pencil for drawing and an eraser to erase any mistakes that are made in the sketch. We will make the shape of the head of our sketch. Then we will make the back head of the men. After this, we will make the forehead and nose of the sketch. When the forehead and nose will finish then, we have to make the shoulder of the men. Then, we will make the lips of the men first, we draw the upper lip and then we will make the lower lip. After this, we will make the chin of the men. Now, we will make the neck of the men. After this, we will make our sketch of creative drawing ideas to make the other shoulder of the men. Then, we will make the branch of the tree in the inner part of the men chest. So, we will make the roots of the tree in the chest of the men of our sketch of creative drawing ideas. Now, we will make the branch of the tree in the inner part of the men around the lips. After this draw, the branch in the nose area also makes the twig of the branches. Then, we will work on the whole area of the mind to draw the branches and twig of the tree. Also, make the leaves of the branches of the twig of the tree in the back area of the mind. Now, we will make the shape and shade in the leaves of the twigs.
Step 2:
After the first step is complete, now we have to go farther to make the leaves of the twig of the branch. Also, we will make the shape and shade in our sketch of creative drawing ideas. So, we will make the background darkish with a pencil. Now, the shape of our sketch creative drawing ideas for beginners is looking good.
Step 3:
When the second step is complete, then we have to work on our sketch of creative drawing ideas in the third step. In this step, we have to draw the lines darken and make it brighter in inner the face of the men. First, we have to draw the shades of the branch of the tree in the men’s face also make the twig of the branch of the tree. Then we will make the birds in the inner part of the face in the branch of the tree with a pencil. Also, we will make the shape and shade in the birds.
Step 4:
In the last step, we will make our sketch creative face drawing ideas finish. We will make our sketch is brighter and darken. So, we have to make the core of the tree darken and brighter. Then, we have to make the shading effect in the branches of the tree around the lips of the men. Now, we have to make the branch darken near the eyes. After this, we will make the roots of the tree darken and give shade to it with a pencil. Our sketch of creative drawing ideas is looking good and beautiful.
Now we have the work done to sketch creative drawing ideas. This is very easy and also creative drawing ideas for beginners. We are trying to teach quickly and concisely. Cool drawing ideas are providing more different categories to draw and learn different kinds of creative drawing ideas for beginners. I hope you will enjoy the video and you will learn in this tutorial. We will give you an easy and concise way to understand step by step. Go ahead and start your practice to make perfect yourself in sketching and drawing.
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