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Bart Simpson Drawing – A Step By Step Guide

How to draw Bart Simpson

Simpsons is the most popular and longest-running animated series in the history of the U.S., having been on air since 1989. It appeared on the screen in short clips in 1987. The Simpsons is a story of a dysfunctional American family. It has satire in it. It is featured and filmed in the fictional town of Springfield. Bart Simpsons is the oldest child of the family and the most famous and mischievous. He is always ready for witty remarks and to do something naughty. Simpsons always commented on the pop-culture, social, and political issues. His special and distinctive look makes him fun to learn how to draw Bart Simpson.

The full name of Bart Simpson is Bartholomew Jojo Simpson. He is the eldest son of Marge and Homer Simpson. He was born on 1 April, which became a permanent prank. This cartoon family dominated TV for an extended period. He was 10 years old at the beginning of the series. His famous sayings are “Ay caramba!”, “Eat my shorts!” and “Don’t have a cow, man.” He is seen as the reflection of many children. Despite being smart, he struggles with ADHD (a brain disorder) and his schoolwork. 

His hobbies were reading comic books, playing video games, and watching tv. He was the best entertainer of 1990 and a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Would you like to learn Bart Simpson Drawing? This tutorial will make Bart Simpson Drawing easy for you to learn. The easy Bart Simpsons Drawing is very engaging for kids and lets them learn many things about drawing.

How to draw Bart Simpson stepwise:

Bart Simpson Drawing Step By Step

We will learn Bart Simpson Drawing step by step, which will help to elaborate on it. And make it easy Bart Simpson Drawing. So, let’s follow the steps.

Step 1:

Bart Simpson Drawing Step1

Let’s begin with the great-looking Bart Simpson Drawing from his head. For the sides of the head, we will draw a pair of vertical, slightly curved lines. Then we will connect at the top using a zigzag, wavy line. It will form spikey hairs of Simpson. Then moving to the bottom of Bart’s face. We will use a curved line extending from one side of the head, which will loop around the shape to form an upper lip. Beneath, it outlines a curved line to complete the mouth and neck. 

Then we will sketch a “C” shape line for his ears. And add some more curved lines to it. Then draw a small curve line for his neck. Now we will outline his big eyes by using a circle, one of which overlaps the face side. Then draw a small circle within the large circle to form the pupil of his eyes. Now use a short-curved line to form his nose. It was the first step of Bart Simpson Drawing, easy to form his head and face.

Step 2:

Bart Simpson Drawing Step2

In Step 2 of Bart Simpson drawing, we will move down to form his body. We will connect the sides of the neck with a short-curved line that will form the neck of the shirt. Then we will use short curved lines to form short sleeves. Then we will draw a pair of parallel lines downward to make his arm in his pocket. From his left side, we will enclose a short curve line that will bend to the right side and be enclosed to form his belly. We will connect it with a short horizontal line. And to form his backside, we will sketch a short-curved line downside. That will connect at some point in the belly region to the horizontal line.

Step 3:

Bart Simpson Drawing Step3

Moving downward for Bart Simpson Drawing to form his shorts. We will Draw a short line toward the middle from each side but keep them from the meeting. Each line should end above the other. Enclose Bart’s shorts in a straight line. It will form the shorts of Bart Simpson.

Step 4:

Bart Simpson Drawing Step4

In this step, we will further move down to form the legs of Bart Simpson Drawing. We will extend a pair of parallel lines downwards from their shorts to form his leg. Then we will enclose a pair of short curved lines on each side. It forms the top of the shoe. We will use curved lines forming loose triangular shapes for the rest of the shoes.

Then draw a pair of curved horizontal parallel lines to form the soul or bottom of the shoe. Repeat the same process to form the other leg. You can use reference images for any missed steps or details. Our Bart Simpson Drawing is ready to fill in colors.

Step 5:

Bart Simpson Drawing

It is the most engaging and relaxing step. Because in this step, our Bart Simpson Drawing is ready for coloring. So, kids easily pick up yellow, red, blue, white, and black colors for Bart Simpson’s Drawing. Fill in all these suggested colors in the drawing and make a masterpiece. You can also use colors of your choice, but the suggested colors give Bart Simpson a natural look.


So, Kids, you have seen that following the stepwise approach, you are enabling Bart Simpson drawing. I hope you like the tutorial on easy Bart Simpson drawing. If you like it, then share it with your friends and family. Just let us know about your valuable feedback in the comment section below. Please keep visiting our website for more drawing tutorials. We are working day and night to collect some awesome drawings for you to enhance your drawing skills.  

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