It is a simplified way to express the art commonly used by today’s world artists. Different artists use it in different ways. Some make abstract one-line drawings, while others are good to go with simple drawings. We have one-line drawing ideas, that any beginner or a kid can follow.
Since our subject matter is generally restricted to kids and beginners. So we will share some easy one-line drawing ideas for kids.
“A one line drawing, also known as a single line drawing, is a drawing made with just one line.”
How Important are one Line Drawings for Kids?
It is generally misunderstood that you have to be on the pinnacle of artistic talent for line drawing. We believe that you can learn one line drawing if it is elaborated easily. To keep the kids engaged in artistic work, you need to bring some versatility to work. You cannot force them to draw the conventional sketches all week. So, at that moment, you should move them to the easy line drawing. It has several positive aspects for kids:
Easy to Learn
Such Drawings makes Kids Curious
Time Savings
One of the Coolest Art
Make Mind think more Innovative
Endless Variety
One Line Drawing Ideas for Kids and Beginners
Since our main concern is to teach and share the practicable artwork. So, in this section, we will bring drawing ideas and tutorials that are easy to follow for kids and beginners.
1) Hand Line Drawing
Starting with the thumb, draw a curvy line from bottom to top. Then move to draw the fingers. Draw pinky, then move to rings finger. Lastly, keep the artwork of curvy lines to draw the middle and the tip of the index finger.
2) Horse Line Drawing
This is one of the coolest drawing ideas in line drawings. You can draw a horse while staring from its face. Smartly use the curvy lines to make the face of the horse and then move to its neck. Keep dragging your sharpie pen to complete the body of an amazing horse.
3) Elephant Line Drawing
Draw a simple line drawing of an elephant with your sharpie. Starting with the trunk, draw its head, and then move to the body of the elephant. Keep dragging your tool to draw its tail and then draw both legs and the stomach in between. End up your elephant’s one-line drawing by joining the line to its trunk again.
4) Rabbit Line Drawing
Draw the rabbit’s face in the start with the use of a curvy line in the flow. Complete its ear and then move to its hands. Keep dragging your sharpie, drawing the body of the rabbit. Draw another curvy line reflecting its legs. Finish drawing the feet and then move finally to its tail.
5) One Line Face Drawing
Drawing the face of a girl using the line technique is much liked by people. Use the curve line drawing the head. After that, draw the girl’s forehead and then the nose while using curves. Move to the lips after that and, in the end, draw its chin. The single face line girl drawing has just been done finally.
6) Dolphin Line Drawing
Yes, you can draw a dolphin with a simple one-line. Start with the flipper of the dolphin. Next, keep drawing the beak. Then move to the upper part of the dolphin and draw the dorsal fin in the way. All you need to do is curve lines. Head drawing the flukes and finish while drawing the lower portion with the sharpie.
7) Giraffe Line Drawing
Begin while drawing the rare legs of the giraffe. Slide from bottom to top and draw its tail. Move ahead while drawing its back and then draw its ear and horns. Don’t break the flow and draw the face of a giraffe. Keep extending the line and make its thin neck. End up line giraffe drawing while drawing its forelegs.
8) Leaf Line Drawing
It is one of the straightforward drawings that any beginner or a kid can try. The start a single line reflecting the petiole, then move in, drawing the blades with margins. Keep making the zig-zag shapes and head to the tip of the leaf. Draw the other blade with irregular margins and end up with the primary vein of the leaf.
Animal line drawing is attractive in looks and easy to draw. Use curvy hands and shape out the head. Move towards to upper part and complete the body. Head towards the rare leg and make the bottom of the body. In the end, draw the forelegs of the animal.
10) Bat Line Drawing
Bat drawing with a line is easy for kids and beginners. It involves no complexities at all. Use a zig-zag shape with big margins to draw the left wing. Drag your sharpie’s nib towards the head. Make ears and then draw the other wind simply with the curvy zig-zag shape.
11) How to Draw a Goat Line Drawing
Draw one of the forelegs and shape out a curvy line to draw its body, then draw the rare leg using a straight line and then move to the stomach using a curvy horizontal line. Draw the scone foreleg and then finish to the head, making a face in between.
12) Kangaroo Line Drawing
Begin with the hind limbs and move to draw the body of the kangaroo. After that, draw its mighty tail and move to its face. Use a curvy shape to draw the face and then draw the pinna and back of the body.
13) Hands Line Drawing
Begin with the left hand and draw the fingers in perspective. Also, draw the thumb and end up with the left-hand drawing. Now move to draw the right hand in the same way. First, draw the thumb and then the fingers in a flow.
14) Bird Line Drawing
Begin the most famous bird’s line drawing with the tail. The tail is something like a triangular shape. After that, move to draw the body and then the beak of the bird. Drag your sharpie’s nib drawing the head. In the end, make the feathers of the bird.
15) Flower Line Drawing
Drawing flowers with one line is a little technical. You can begin with drawing the leaves and then move up, drawing the petals with some curvy shapes. The leaves and petals must be of a little pointy share. The final product will be amazing to watch and, of course, easy to follow.
16) Cat Line Drawing
Begin the drawing while dragging the sharpie’s nip drawing the tale. Use the curvy shape to draw the rare legs and then the forelegs. Afterward, move to draw the body and its ears. End up your easy one-line simple cat drawing by making its face.
17) Simple Girl Line Drawing
You can draw a simple-looking girl using one-line drawing tactics. You can start with the face. Draw its forehead, nose, lips, and chin with shaky lines. Make the neck curve and head towards the body. Draw her arm then and finish with a curvy body look.
18) Cactus Line Drawing
Cactus is something technical to draw, but we have made it easy. You can even draw it through a single line. Start while drawing the ground, then move to the plant pot. Give it a sharp shape. Head to the cactus base and draw the arm and spikes. Use the pattern of zig-zag lines to draw the spikes. Continue drawing the spikes after intervals and repeat the same pattern on the right side as well.
19) Simple Guitar Line Drawing
The guitar is one of the coolest drawings everyone loves to try. You can draw a simple guitar by one-line drawing technique. Begin drawing the lower part of the guitar and then draw the narrow waist. Then draw the body from one side. Draw the guitar’s neck with straight lines and then use curvy lines reflecting the tuner and the headstock. Complete the right side by drawing a straight line and making the soundhole share using a circular angle. Complete the neck and the body of the guitar.
20) Bird Line Drawing
Kids love to draw the birds because it is one of the living beings that amuse them the most. You can teach them to draw a bird using a single line. Draw the head of the bird and then move to its beak. After that, draw the body of the bird moves to the tail. Give a curvy look to the tail and move up to draw its wings. Draw the right-wing with a pointy end and continue drawing the left-wing. Finish drawing the bird where you started.
21) Cock Line Drawing
Start drawing the simple cock with one line from the bottom. Use a curvy line and draw the breast of the cock. Move up and carry on drawing the comb with points. Twist the nib of your sharpie and make the beak. Continue the line and make the back cap of the cock. Draw the sickles and the central tail in the flow.
22) Double Face Line Drawing
Make the front of a boy and a girl face in a single attempt. Start from top to bottom. Make the head of the girl’s face and then draw the nose and the lips with curvy lines. Merge the chin of the girl with the head of the boy. Complete the head of the boy and then draw his nose with a slight curve. Make the lips and draw the chin to complete your double face one-line drawing of a girl and a boy.
23) Flying Bird Line Drawing
Start your drawing with the wings of the flying bird. Make its feathers with a shaky design. Draw the upper part of the feather and then move to the head of the bird. After drawing the head, draw the beak of the bird. Now move to the main body and draw the stomach of the bird. In the end, draw the tail of the bird.
24) Bulb Line Drawing
Electric Bulb is one of the coolest drawings that everyone can try. You can draw an electric bulb using a single line. Begin with making the filament with a twisty shape. Move back, drawing its base, and complete the body drawing of the bulb’s glass. Complete the glass drawing in a round shape and end up drawing the cap.
25) Butterfly Line Drawing
Start drawing the antennas of the butterfly, then move on to drawing the head. Continue your drawing and draw the thorax and abdomen of the butterfly. Now move on to drawing the wings of the butterfly. That’s how you will complete your butterfly drawing.
26) Life Line Drawing
It is really easy to draw a life line while using a single-line technique. Start with the straight line and draw shaky lines in a zig-zag way. The pattern of zig-zag must be random. Draw a heart in the middle. Keep the line going on and again draw some zig-zag shapes. In the end, write love with your sharpie.
27) Music Tunes Line Drawing
You can draw music tunes with one line drawing. Begin from the left, draw the curvy circular shape and then move on to the next shape above the last one. Draw the next shape in an irregular manner. Finish the music tone drawing with the “U” type shape.
28) Easy Flower Line Drawing
This is one of the easiest ways to draw the flower with the aid of one line drawing. Draw the center of the flower with a circular shape. Now draw the petals of the flower with a lot of circular shapes focusing on the middle. In the end, make the pedicel and finish the easy flower drawing.
29) Apple Line Drawing
Begin apple drawing with the stem. Draw a straight line and take it downwards. With a circular shape and shape out the body of an apple. Give a circular shape to the apple and end up drawing its leaf with the stem.
30) Fruit Line Drawing
Draw the shape of the fruits with one line drawing technique. Make the circular shape of fruits and after that, take the line back upwards in the same shape. Draw the leaves and the stem of the fruit in the end.
31) Rose Line Drawing
You can also draw rose flowers using a one-line drawing technique. Draw the petals of the rose using circular shapes. Stretch the stem from the middle of the flower and then extend it to the bottom. It is effortless to draw, and anybody can follow this method to draw a one line flower tutorial.
32) Tulip Line Drawing
Draw the tulip flower by starting with its leaf. Make the stem of the tulip and then move up to the branch. Draw the petals of a tulip in the end while using the curvy circular shapes.
33) Simple Flower Line Drawing
This is one of the most simplified flower line drawings. Begin with drawing the petal draw the circular shape petals that are pierced in two segments. Start from the middle, draw a straight line upwards and give it a round shape. Then come to the step and finish it with a straight line. Draw its leaf as well.
34) Curvy Flower Line Drawing
Make the petals of the flower with an “M” shape. Extend its one end giving it a round shape. Just draw the inverted circle type shape and take it down, drawing the stem of the flower. In the end, draw its leaf.
35) Sunflower Line Drawing
Sunflowers are one of the famous one line and easy drawings. You can draw it using a single-line technique. Begin drawing the circular shapes next to each other without a gap. Draw the stem of the flower and also draw the leaves of the flower by making the triangular type shapes.
36) Trample Line Drawing
You can also draw musical instruments using the technique of drawings. Draw the base of the trample with a horizontal line. Then, in the end, draw the nozzle of the trample and its rings around the body.
37) Cool Drawing Bird
Begin the one line drawing of the bird with its wings. Draw the first wing first and then move to the bottom. Make the body of the bird and then come to the tail. After completing the tale, extend the line in a curvy shape and draw the head and the bird’s beak. Finish the face and again take the line drawing the other wing of the bird.
38) Rooster Line Drawing
Draw the legs of the cock and then give it a curvy circle and head to the tail. Make the tail with a zig-zag line and then move it to the top of the body draw the comb. Move to the beak then and draw the breast with a curvy shape. Finish the final step by drawing the legs of the cock.
39) Elephant Line Drawing
Draw the eye of an elephant with a small circle. Move to draw the ear and then the head of the elephant. Draw the left portion of the face and move down while drawing the other eye on the way. Come down and draw the teeth and then its trunk with shaky, wavy lines. Complete the trunk and take a turn at the bottom of it. Take its trunk up and end up the drawing back to the ear—extent that line to draw the other ear of the elephant.
Conclusion – Line Drawing
We believe that you like our stuff. We have tried to keep the one line drawing simple for the kids. Besides this, we have shared some drawings on animals and birds that are easy to sketch out. They are the part of cool drawing ideas that every beginner must try. If you or your kids have learned to draw the one line drawings, then you can go for the next step and can learn some advanced drawings. Must share your sentiments about the ideas we have shared in this article.